Motorola S305 Headphones

You know how every time you pull out your headphones–they seem to have magically tangled themselves up again? Or how they manage to get caught on everything, or slip out of the connector? Its time to cut the cable.

I bought the MOTOROKR S305 Bluetooth Headphones a few months ago and I’m loving them. Use these with my iPhone 3Gs at my desk and on my commute. They sound fantastic, the on-ear controls are convenient and [the best part] there are no pesky wires!


After you pair them with your iPod / iPhone / iPad / BlackBerry / Android / dumbphone operation is dead simple. Pull the headset out of your bag and hold the power button. They’ll connect automatically, and you can start listening to music or making calls.

Comfort / Ergonomics

These are comfortable to wear for a few hours. After several hours of use you might notice some discomfort, especially on the top of yours ears. They are more comfortable than iPod earbuds.

The behind-the-neck setup is generally good. You slip them on from the back (no ruined hairdos) placing them over yours ears. They aren’t too tight, but you won’t have to worry about them falling off either (even while running).

One irritation is that if your resting your head against a pillow or seat back, the band tends to push the headphones up over your ears. The problem is that the designers made the band protrude needlessly far backwards. You can overcome the issue by repositioning the headset but it can definitely be a nuisance.

Sound Quality and Controls

Stereo sound quality may vary on your device. I use an iPhone 3Gs with iOS 4.0, and I find the quality very good. As long as you’re coming from iPod or similar earbuds: I doubt these could compare to sound isolating or in-ear headphones. The bass won’t rattle your brain, but it is reasonably good. I haven’t experienced any skipping/audio issues except when I was more than 25ft away from my phone.

The audio controls work on iOS 4.1 and above, and presumably other phones and media players. The buttons are small, but you’ll figure out where they are quickly. Theres a track forward, track back, play/pause and call button on the face of the right earpiece. On the top there’s two volume and the on/off buttons.

And that’s about it! They’re available for around $40 depending on where you shop, and I would definitely recommend them.

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